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Then one day... I became an author!


Updated: Jun 1, 2022

Manifestation at its best!

For quite a few years I have known I would write a book, I just knew.... No idea what I was going to write or where to start, but I knew it would be on spirituality, I put it in my vortex, I imagined and I dreamed. So, where or where do I start I questioned....

Lockdown March 2020, that strange time in our lives where the world slowed right down, slow, slow, almost to a halt, well that was after the first few weeks of panic. Remember toilet roll and pasta gate! As our root chakras became 'destroyed', we altogether went into the unknowing, the fractured time, the panic, the uncertainty, the news of death and this widespread disease that was killing thousands. We were all glued to the TV, willing Borris to tell us what to do, being told how to live, what we must and mustn't do, rules changing daily.... our root chakras were totally out of whack, big time! Panic buy, hoarding, greed, traits of the root chakra becoming unbalanced.... our foundations were shattered as we learnt a new way of life. And that's where it began. One day in May 2020 I opened up my laptop and wrote "What on Earth is a Spiritual Journey" at the top of the page. I sat for what seemed like forever, staring blankly at the blank page. Saved the document and pressed close. Hmmm... well at least I've made a start.

Over the next coming weeks I would open the document and sit and think what do I need to tell people, and then the words began to flow, and I typed, which I'm much better at than speaking, those who know me will know.

I need to tell people how to live their lives in a spiritual way, all these practices and knowledge that I have learnt over the past 4 years, I need to share it all. So that's where my writing stemmed from, I need to show people how to use practices in their every day lives, people like me, without all the gobbledygook that you sometimes read, where it goes into so much depth you don't understand, (like when I read the Power of Now a number of years ago, I mean, it makes more sense now, but then I was like eh? "Je ne comprends pas"). I need to tell people in simpler language, that they can actually use daily, like the Law of Attraction, gratitude, positive affirmations, meditation, crystals, vibrational energy, people need to know this sh*t. People who are like me who need help to deal with stress, anxiety, understanding their lives in a spiritual way, they need to know they are much more than just their human form, I need to share everything I know.

It's taken me 2 years to write my first book, 2 whole years... But I would only write when I had the inspiration, when a thought would come to me, usually before bed, which is where I am now, it's actually 23:02pm and I have an urge to write a blog. So I've made myself a cup of decaf tea and here I am, typing away. I had no idea I was going to talk about lockdown (above), but I started typing and the words just kept flowing out. That's how I wrote my book. In those moments of inspiration, I NEED to write NOW. Sometimes, if my laptop wasn't handy, I'd scroll on reems of paper. I'm one of these people who no longer seems to write on paper with a pen (seems like old skool now), my writing is terrible, and gets bigger the more excited I get. I'd scroll over pages and pages with ideas, sentences, words and pictures so I'd remember in the morning/the next day what I want to write about. Sometimes I'd get inspiration during meditation, as I connect to my spirit guides and ask them for guidance, I'd sit in mediation and the words/ideas would start flooding in, argh where is my pen! The voice recorder on my phone came in very handy!! I've wrote so many drafts of the book, every time I brought up the Word document it would be amended, EVERY single time, even my last draft became my third last draft. My editor amended my punctuation and that was supposed to be the final draft, but each time I read it, I'd add and amend, she'd send it back with the file name FINAL, and I'd find something.... Right, I need to leave it, I really need to leave it alone or I'll never do the final final final submission.... sennnnddddd....eeekkkkkkkkkkkk..... sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, I've done it, I've actually done it. What if no one reads it, what if no one enjoys it, what if, what if, what if. It's OK Sheryl, calm down, you did it as an achievement, to write your own book, people will like it, people will appreciate it, all will be well. Will it? Yes of course it will, you teach this stuff, you know how manifesting works, all will be well. This conversation going on between my mind and my inner self.

As the back cover of my books says, I saw an increase of people turning towards spirituality during the lockdown period. As the world slowed down, the pace of life, the quietness, turning to nature, walking, no cars - no need, connecting with neighbours, we became more spiritual without even realising. You see, some people tend to think spirituality is religion, you turn to Buddhism, pray to the Buddha, become more 'hippy', but to be truthful you really don't have to, you can identify as spiritual and religious if you choose, or just spiritual.... Being spiritual, to me, means you have an understanding that we are all spiritual beings, we are souls within a physical body, we are vibration. Using spiritual practices we can connect to ourselves on a more spiritual level; meditation, energy balance, chakras, gratitude, intuition. Using practices to find our true selves, our inner being, without the distractions of the world around us, without having to conform to systems and be told how to live. Being spiritual we can see reality, the true world, not how we are told to live.

My favourite chapters are (all of them) ha, should I say my main focus was the chapters on energy, I am so intrigued by energy flow, vibrational frequency, the Law of Attraction, manifesting. But, my passion has always been crystals/healing and meditation. I want to show everyone how easy it is to meditate, I want to show people how to actually use their crystals and not just have them in a draw, how to work with the moon, the how's and whys and begin to put practices into their lives to help them, help them understand and have tools to a more calmer presence. My book is for people who want to start their spiritual journey, who have questions, or want to 'dip their toes' into spiritual practices but have no idea where to start, people who want to start using crystals, people who want to begin to practise meditation, those who want to connect with their inner selves, find their true self, begin a spiritual journey but don't know where to turn..... If this is you then take a look, the book is out on Amazon and in my online shop.

Then launch day approached, unfamiliar with the process as it was all new to me, I clicked send and waited for Amazon to set my book to live, which came a lot sooner than expected, yikes it's live, it's out there for people to buy. Day 1 and I became a number one top seller in multiple categories, oh my goodness, people are actually buying it, then the realisation, oh my goodness people are actually going to now READ the book, my book, my work, my story, things I haven't told people before, yikes...... Chapter 2 is all about my mum's death, when I was 16, this is something I don't talk a lot about and only shared details with my partner, about that day and time in my life. Now it's out there for all to read.... I have had SO MANY wonderful comments, messages from people who have resonated with the book, how it's inspired them and even helped with their mental health. It's out, and I hope you enjoy it, if you fancy giving it a read.

Well it's now 23:53pm, yikes, way past my bedtime, but look how much I've written! So that's it from me tonight, over and out. Goodnight my fellow spiritual beings. Love and light and crystal, angel, moon blessings to you all.


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Jun 01, 2022

I am always wide a wake late Sheryl, always been a night hawk.

No way could I write a book.

You have completed this book in two years, your just young, wonder how many more wonderful things you have in that head of yours to share with people.

Well done again.

I wouldn't have even known what a blog was ha ha, if you hadn't sent a link.

Wishing you all the luck in the world with your new venture as an author. Karen

Jun 01, 2022
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Haha you can do anything you set your mind to Karen, start writing today! Who knows, another book or 2 may be on the horizon, once I've chilled from this one haha!! Thank you xxx


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