Choose Between Plain Black Tourmaline Pieces and Rainbow Celestial Tourmaline - Different Sizes
These beautiful Black Tourmaline are raw form pieces.
Tourmaline is an incredibly powerful crystal for grounding and protection and can help ward off those negative energies that surround us. It is really good to help ground you in the present moment. Tourmaline improves focus, it increases physical vitality, emotional stability and raises intellectual prowess. Tourmaline is a stone of protection and combats negative energy and when it has Mica inclusions (small white crystals inside, which can sometimes be noticeable on the surface) can be effective in reducing panic and anxiety in the user.
Each pieces differs in weight from approx 20-50g, the size and shape may vary from the ones shown in the image.
The stones are priced by weight and sold as individual pieces.
Tourmaline is connected to the root and earth star chakras helping you to feel safe and secure on Earth and within your own body. Formed where steamy waters and minerals move through pockets of the earth, this stone is deeply enriched with iron and manganese, both which help grant tourmaline to charging and magnetic properties that make it such a vital tool to ground your energy .It is said black tourmaline helps decrease electromagnetic forces such as from phones, laptops, TV, WiFi boxes that give off EMF's, by forming a protective barrier and soaking up the smog.
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